There's a sushi place near my condo that my husband and I have been going to for years. Last fall they started bringing these mega-cool individual tea-makers to the tables of anyone who ordered tea, and I just had to have one. After I'd looked online and couldn't find the exact same brand anywhere else, I decided to order one for myself and one for a friend through the restaurant. (Actually, it was listed on Amazon, but never in stock.) I waited and waited and waited for this damn thing to arrive. It took something like three months, no lie. I've since learned that they're made in Taiwan and apparently very hard to get a hold of. But it was worth the $20 and the wait.

Then I just set the tea-maker atop my mug and it strains the tea through a filter on the bottom of the device. The tea is always perfect. Then I just dump out the soggy tea leaves in the garbage, swirl some water and liquid dishwashing detergent around in the main compartment and it's ready to go again the next morning. Granted, as you can see, the sides of the brewer are seriously stained -- I need to give it a good scrubbing. But I'm lazy and it doesn't bother me, so stained it remains for now.

Do you see the little black circular stand thingy to the left? That's key, too -- other models I investigated didn't come with one of those. I like it because even though the tea-maker doesn't leak while it's brewing (that's why it's miraculous, perhaps?), after the tea has been strained out the bottom there are bound to be a few drops that end up on the stand. Better the stand than your counter or table, right?
Know why there was no comments for 3 days till this one? It's a boring post and just proves you're stalling on the LOST recap. Let's focus and get to the topic thats really important LOST. Now lock the door...brew your tea...make your smores...and get crackin'.....LOST!!!!!
Anonymous -
You realize that rude comments like yours just make me NOT want to get started on the Lost post, right?
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Or at least have the guts to sign in with a real login. I have other things going on in my life and cannot start the Lost post any time soon, so you might as well give up on me and stop checking in.
- e
E please don't pay attention to the haters! I liked your review but it has just been so hot to be thinking about hot tea. :-)
mmmmmm - tea. Seems like something Think Geek should carry.....
never too hot for tea.
We drink Barry's...
I'm so over Lost. But, when will you write more about your book journey? Really looking forward to knowing what that's all about!
I am not at all jealous of your tea maker. Tea is a comforting, refreshing drink which keeps me going through the day, and I like making it myself with good English tea bags. If you are ever in the south east of England, come over to my house and I will make you a cup of tea and you can see how it compares :)
Hey e - Just thought I could share this link with your Canadian friends. I have this brewer from a company here called teaopia, it looks very similar to yours and I have to agree, it's amazing! Their stores are kind of like the tea version of Dunkin Donuts. I'm not sure if they ship to the US or not, but worth checking out.
Soak your brewer in dishwasher soap detergent and water. With little or no scrubbing, your tea stains will miraculously disappear.
Nathan -
Sorry for the VERY VERY VERY ridiculously late reply, but I wanted to let you know that I have been following your suggestion and it's a total miracle! The tea maker is as good as new again, stains are gone. Thank you so much,
- e
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