Hello my dear friends -
Since I am often asked what TV shows I watch now that LOST has been off the air for a while, I intended to give a rundown of my favorites, oh, I don't know... back when the fall season started in September. Six months have passed, which should give you an idea of how things have been going around here.
BUT, since I know many people are like me and don't always watch shows/series in real time and since I've already spent a few weeks cobbling together this post, I thought it would still be fun to go through my list. I've grouped it by days of the week, although I hardly watch anything live. Following the day-by-day lists is a section for the shows I've watched or am currently watching via On Demand or DVD.
Gossip Girl

Currently I don't watch any shows that air on Mondays—it's usually a "catch-up" night for DVR'd or On Demand shows if I have some spare time. I did try Revolution for the first five episodes, but it just wasn't my thing. I considered The Following because of all the hype, but then I decided against it because I get too freaked out by that kind of show and am just looking for happy escapism.

I LOVED the first season of Smash. Honestly and truly. I have fond memories of tuning in during those precious few weeks I wasn't working right after Des was born. So there was no hate-watching going on over here. (Although I agree with many of the complaints in that article, they never overwhelmed the rest of the show for me).
I was prepared for the worst with the Season 2 premiere, however, as I knew that the show had undergone dramatic changes during the break, including the departure of its creator. But I still enjoyed it, and remain hopeful despite the fact that I've heard things get a little messy once there are a few different productions (Bombshell, Jennifer Hudson's character's, and that bitter bartender dude's) in the mix. I like the British guy (Derek) SO much, though, that I'll keep tuning in just for him, no matter what.
Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan
I've only watched the premiere so far and liked how it's a lot more about travel and different countries and cultures than just, you know, bugs and creepy crawlies. But I find those fascinating, too, so I'll be saving this series for a catch-up evening.
American Idol

I'm really glad I did, because I think Nicki is the best judge they've ever had. Yeah, I said it—even better than Simon. She has really grown on me, and I truly like Keith as well. The faces he makes when someone he likes is singing are hilarious. Mariah... well, the jury's still out on her. Mostly I wish both she and Nicki would stop faking British accents so much.
As for the contestants? It's always too hard to say this early on. I've been rooting for Lazaro Arbos because I think his story (he's the one with the heavy stutter) is inspiring, he seems like a genuinely nice kid, and because he reminds me of a Cuban version of my cousin Brad, I can't lie.

I was a huge, HUGE Survivor fan when the show first premiered back in 2000. I stuck with it for several years, then stopped for quite a while (I think I skipped seasons 9-14), and was finally drawn back in for the China season in 2007. This show never fails to fascinate me—I think it's one of the best displays of the human-nature spectrum there is. Plus, there's something oddly reassuring to me about hearing Jeff Probst holler "Come on in, guys!" and declare "With that, it's time to vote," and all of his other catchphrases week after week. I can't explain it.
The latest season just kicked off two weeks ago, and I'm not too thrilled with the "Favorites" who returned. A lot of them weren't very memorable to me... or I just didn't like them in their original seasons, which means they're kind of the opposite of a Favorite. But my boy Malcom is there, so I'll keep watching.
Modern Family
I only started watching Modern Family last year, and really only because my husband started watching it, and he only did that because of how many awards it was getting and how many people were talking about it in the early seasons. I have a feeling it's not as good now as it was when it first hit the scene. I like it, but I could do without the three young kids. They are just very stiff and unnatural to me... but then again, I've been known to be especially hard on kid actors. Sofia Vergara also bugs that crap out of me. But everyone else is so funny that I guess they outweigh my annoyances. Needless to say, this isn't a show that I consider "must-see TV" when it airs.

However, I did hear all of the glowing reviews, and so did my husband. He is a musician, loves guitars (but is no country fan, either), and wanted to at least tune in to the premiere. So we did... and we were hooked. There are a few things that bug me about the show, however: Rayna's whiny squirrelly husband, and everything about Scarlett except her singing voice (I especially can't stand her nasally speaking voice and pinched-up face and maddening expressions, but am chalking it up to the fact that she's Australian in real life and must be trying reeealllly hard to nail a Southern accent).
But the music. Oh, THE MUSIC. The music is what keeps me coming back, and the guitars (and the music) are what hooked my husband. He's always shouting out "That's a [some kind of guitar]! That costs like $45,000!" and stuff like that. Anyway, we have fun watching this one. And Gunnar and Scarlett's duets kill me. All of them. So, so good. I've downloaded two from iTunes and am sure I'll buy the whole lot eventually.
Top Chef: Seattle
I don't cook at all (seriously—nothing), am vegetarian, and although I like Tom, Padma usually annoys me because she just NEVER seems unrehearsed or natural. But I do appreciate high-end restaurants and cuisine and learning who the best chefs around the world are, so I keep watching this show. I used to spend a lot of time in Seattle, so it's been cool to see places like Pike Place Market again. I'm now lucky enough to have THREE previous Cheftestants' restaurants right here in my 'hood! And word is they'll be coming back to Chicago next year, so I will of course have to tune in for that.
Stefan was my favorite this season, so now that he's gone I'm not really rooting for anyone in particular in the finale. (Not sure if the finale was last night or if it's next week. But I haven't watched last night's episode yet, either way!)
The Office
I keep DVRing this even though I haven't watched one episode all season. I'll probably forward through the last few right before the finale. Steve Carell's Michael Scott annoyed me for the last couple of years of his run, and then the show only went downhill afterward. The original British version remains superior! David Brent was a madman. And their Jim (Tim) is now Bilbo Baggins. You can't really top that, hellloooo.
30 Rock
I thought its final few episodes were great. When Liz met her twins? Just PERFECT. Brilliant stuff. So was the final final scene with Kenneth. But it was time for this show to end, so I can't say I'll miss it.
All I've EVER done with Glee is forward through to the musical numbers. From what I can tell, I don't like any of the new cast members. But it's really not about the acting and storylines for me with this one.
Saturday Night Live
What I do with this one is read reactions on Twitter, read my girl Claire Zulkey's recaps for the L.A. Times and my man Ryan McGee's recaps on Hitfix, and then forward through to the best skits based on their takes.
666 Park Avenue
Sob. This was my favorite new show of the year, but it was cancelled. And I swear I didn't like it solely because it starred LOST's Terry O'Quinn. I REALLY loved it, and so did my husband, who's waaaaay pickier than I am.
The special effects left something to be desired, but this show had a great cast (meaning they were all really good actors), an awesome soundtrack and cranked out the suspense and creepiness week after week. I was 100% prepared for it to be, dumb, too. On that note, I think it suffered from an awful title that deterred people. I mean, *I* almost didn't want to tune in, and I'm one of Terry's biggest fans! They should've just called it The Drake.
Ah, well. Apparently they're going to air the final few episodes this summer. I'll find a way to watch them one way or the other in order to get some closure. But I really wish The Man had given this series a chance and had marketed it better. If there ends up being a way to watch all of the first season, you should check it out.
Once Upon a Time
My feelings about this show haven't changed a ton since I wrote about it last season. I'm glad they toned down all of the LOST references since then, although I almost died laughing with Belle was watching Exposé in the hospital a few weeks ago. A sly nod like that I appreciate, just don't bang us over the head with it.
This current season has been dragging a little for me... until the most recent episode ("Manhattan"). I think it might've been the best of the series. I'm still no fan of Henry, Emma, or really any of the characters on their own, but I continue to love the twists on classic fairy tales and appreciate the overall sense of hope and optimism in the series. My husband won't come near the TV when I watch this show, though. I married a cynic.
The Amazing Race
I haven't watched this season's premiere yet, and bowed out of last season about midway through. I mostly watch this series for travel ideas and to learn about new places, but if the teams aren't interesting to me, I lose enthusiasm quickly. Here's hoping there are some people worth rooting for this time around. Phil's eyebrow can't do ALL the work.

Since I already wrote about Breaking Bad here and intend to write another post before its final episodes start up again this summer, I won't say a ton more today except that this is my new favorite show. Nothing else that's currently on the air even comes close to touching Breaking Bad. I'm still surprised that I started watching it at all, but I'm so, so glad I did. And did I call how the midseason finale would end or what?
I am kind of depressed because I have no more new episodes left to watch. I had caught up with the series completely out of order, and until last weekend still had two Season 4 episodes ("Box Cutter" and "Thirty-Eight Snub") outstanding. I waited to watch them for a while because I knew I'd get all sad afterward, and I was right. Now that I've seen them, it just reminds me that I don't watch anything right now that can even remotely hold a candle to this show.
(If you're like I was and are still reluctant to watch this series, you really need to read this post of mine.)
My birthday present to myself last month was to spend 45 minutes on the phone with DirecTV, negotiating a way to get HBO and Showtime for "free" in order for me to be able to continue my Homeland binge. Unfortunately my husband didn't get my several hints that this was something I wanted him to take care of... either that, or he resented my inappropriate crush on Officer Brody. By the way, does ANYONE else think it's weird that people only call him Brody? Even his wife does. That's his LAST NAME. I don't get it. And while I'm venting, can I ask if it's weird that I like the bad-guy characters more than Brody's mopey stoner daughter? I seriously can't stand her.
Anyway, I'd watched Season One on DVD and the Season Two premiere was available on the Showtime site for free, but then I was jonesing for more. I couldn't take waiting—I NEEDED TO WATCH THE REST RIGHT NOW. And so thankfully I got my cable deal and am all caught up. I'd say that while it's not on the same level as Breaking Bad, Homeland is still up there and is probably my #2 favorite show right now. It's another one I didn't think I'd like before I started watching it. But it's hard to resist Inigo Montoya.
I'm mostly looking forward to watching this one with the rest of the world in real time going forward... but part of me is sorry I'll no longer be consuming episodes in a vacuum. I thought Season Two was just fine, and I feel like if I'd been keeping up with Twitter while I watched it I would've had my opinion swayed and would've been more sarcastic and negative about the show as a result. Twitter is dangerous that way—for me, at least. I don't like to feel stupid or wrong for enjoying something.
Oh, and I didn't realize until I watched the extras that both Brody and Estes are British in real life?!?! That blew my mind.
And never forget: Mandy. Patinkin. HOLLA!

I read the first Game of Thrones book and then saw Season One on DVD. Now that we have HBO, I just caught all of Season Two via On Demand a few weeks ago. Now I wait with everyone else until Season Three premieres at the end of March.
I enjoy Game of Thrones, but not as much as everyone else seems to. I think it's because the stuff Joffrey does makes me physically nauseous most of the time. I know it's Not Real and all of that, but come on—killing babies? Torturing women? It's too much. I just wanna see the dragons grow up and then torch him. (No spoilers there: I only read the first book so I don't know if that's what will happen. I actually think they'll never kill off Joffrey because he's too good of a villain. But if they do I hope it's Arya or Sansa taking care of business!)
Anyway, I thought the Season Two finale was totally anticlimactic, especially following the very tense "Blackwater" episode. And I think all those zombie soldier things are lame, so I hope that's not going to be a huge storyline next year. BUT I enjoy the majority of the cast and this series is still better than 99% of everything else on TV, so obviously I'm going to keep watching. Tyrion 4eva.
The Walking Dead
I've only watched the six episodes of Season One so far, so I feel like there's not much I can say about this series just yet. I liked it, but since I almost had a heart attack when the DVD menu popped up featuring a bloody zombie girl and have now suffered a few restless evenings filled with zombie nightmares, I'm not sure if it's a good idea that I keep watching this series.
I know everyone else loves it, though, and I AM curious to see how things progress for the poor survivors. So odds are I'll watch all of Season Two via On Demand, continue to have bad dreams, and then be bitter about how there's no way for me to watch the first half of Season Three right now. (If there IS a way that I don't know about, please tell me!) I am DVRing the last half of Season Three that recently started up again. Perhaps they'll have a marathon of Season Three sometime soon? Does AMC do that?
(P.S. If zombies ARE your thing, you should check out The Harvesting by fellow LOST fan Melanie Karsak, who contacted me about reviewing her book a loooong time ago. I still intend to (I read it and liked it, just haven't had time to put down my thoughts in a post), but in the meantime you should give it a whirl—the sequel's coming out soon!
As I mentioned above, I intend to watch all of Friday Night Lights at some point. And Fringe.
I tried out Mad Men and it's just not my thing, so there's no going back with that one. I also have no interest in Downton Abbey (my general avoidance of period pieces and dramas is kicking in), despite everyone trying to convince me otherwise. I don't want to watch Girls (I'm just not that cool) or Sons of Anarchy (too violent) either. What else have I missed? I need guidance. And quick, before the spring/summer movie season heats up and I have even less time at night to watch TV!
- e
ABC Family has some good teen-angsty type shows. I love Pretty Little Liars, despite the fact that they are half my age. Kind of like Gossip Girl with lots of good fashion, but a good mystery thrown in, too. I think it's on Tuesday night. Another favorite of ours is Suits on USA (I think!)...lawyer show, but witty as hell with some great characters.
Watch Friday Night Lights immediately. Best series that has ever been on TV after Lost. Seriously. Amazing. You will wonder what took you so long after watching the first couple episodes! Clear Hearts, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!
Bummer you don't care for dramas, 'cause there are some really good ones on: Suits, Elementary, Person of Interest, Scandal (if there is one drama you should be watching, it's this one!), Southland (or this one!). Also love OUAT and Nashville, and Chicago Fire has been a pleasant surprise.
I love The Following, and also American Horror Story. But I can see how those won't do for everyone.
I tried three episodes of The Americans... thought the first one was great, but the other two were just "meh". Didn't even watch this week's episode, and I'll probably let this one go.
As for comedies, the ones I watch are The Office, Parks and Rec (two words: Ron. Swanson.), Modern Family, and New Girl.
And I also love Survivor and TAR, but not American Idol. I can't handle that mess. And Seacrest makes me want to throw things at my TV.
Judging from the pilot, I'm going to be watching Cult (from CW, on Hulu). I'm not into horror or terribly scary stuff but this seems like the right amount of scary-dark-creepy. And it also portrays rabid fandom...which may look familiar to some of us. :) The pilot wasn't perfect, but it was good enough to get me hooked!
On a fun, lighter note: The Mindy Project, Tuesdays on Fox. Hilarious!
Ack! 666 Park JUST premiered here. Ugh!! Really liking The Following, and have always been a fan of The Good Wife. I'm watching Girls, which I'm still not sure I actually like since I kind of hate every main character (essentially, the girls). Homeland is my favoriite. Are you watching Covert Affairs? Yes, Piper Perabo is in it, and it is totally a poor man's Alias, but i love it. :)
You should definitively watch Fringe at some point.
I was also sad to see 666 Park Avenue cancelled. There was a show last year called Awake that only aired 13 episodes that was pretty darn good.
In my opinion, Breaking Bad is the best thing on the air, and I was so mad that they decided to extend the 5th season until this coming summer instead, but I guess its good to have more anticipation.
I never got into Once Upon a Time, I tried but it didn't work.
One thing I liked more than I expected was the House of Cards show that was made for Netflix. I didn't expect much and yet watched the whole thing very quickly.
Marie -- I DID watch Awake -- wow, totally forgot about that one until you just mentioned it. I really enjoyed it, too, and was TOTALLY bummed when they pulled it. TV execs need to have a little more patience. Even Seinfeld would get the ax these days, geez.
I also have Netflix so House of Cards is on my list, thanks!
For totally trashy (but HILARIOUS) TV, Shameless on Showtime is awesome. We also really enjoy The Americans, True Blood, The Mindy Project, House of Cards. I love Chicago Fire.
I, too, was in love with Fringe and Awake. Both ended too soon! Happy watching!
Hi Erika, You might want to try Hawaii Five-O. It's got DDK every week & TO is a recurring character who I hope will be on more now that 666 was cancelled! It's really good! I love Supernatural which has lots of Lost guest stars but given that you're not into that genre...I also like the new show Zero Hour. Touch is wonderful and if you like quirky, offbeat humor, New Girl is terrific! I still love Grey's Anatomy...Happy Viewing! Lauren O'Shea
AMC is always running marathons of Walking Dead, so you should be able to catch up in no time.
AMC is always running marathons of Walking Dead, so you should be able to catch up in no time.
You are a much braver viewer than I am. I watched the first couple of episodes of Game of Thrones but when the horrid brother and sister pushed Sean Bean's son out the window, it was curtains for me. And don't even get me started on what I think of how women are portrayed in that show or the fact that I haven't liked the author ever since he said he has better than Tolkien... I also saw a few episodes of Homeland, which was good, but I feel so anxious for the Claire Danes character, I gave it up as there are enough things in the real world to be worried about ;-) As someone mentioned Suits is quite good and don't be concerned if you think you know what happened on Fringe, I'm finding it even better the second time around.
Hey e,
Here's another vote for you to try The Americans... sort of a twist between Breaking Bad (from the perspective of the "bad" guys) and Homeland (espionage). Not quite up to the level of either of those, but the best show currently airing for me.
Hi there, e! I was so happy to read your recent post. I agree with a lot of your comments on the shows that we both watch.
I just started watching Pretty Little Liars (just finished season 1). I really enjoy it. Everyone needs to watch pretty people being tortured once in a while. Sometimes it makes me feel like a perv, cuz the boys are really good-looking and I'm old enough to be their mom, but...my brain gave up maturing at 14 so really, I guess it's ok. One of the actors reminds my of Ian Sommerholder so I pretend he's Boone before Oceanic.
I, too, love Breaking Bad but haven't been able to watch this last season. Can't wait for DVD!
I like Person of Interest. I started watching because Michael Emerson and Jim Caviezel are just awesome, but I enjoy the storyline and LOVE that some fellow "LOSTies" show up as guest stars.
The Walking Dead (followed by Talking Dead) is a must! As you get into it, the zombies become secondary to the characters and this really has been the closest to LOST for me. I love the character development and it's easy to see them as real people.
I'm still waiting for Revolution to "hook" me. I keep watching because of Elizabeth Mitchell and Giancarlo Esposito. We'll see.
I really enjoy Grimm too! It's kind of beating Once Upon a Time right now for me. I've even followed it from its recent jump to Tuesdays.
I'm loving Nashville too. Your thoughts on it were like I wrote them. I generally can't stand country music, but I like the show/music so much that I asked for the CD for Christmas.
Of course, I watch Vampire Diaries (mainly for Ian's sexy smirk).
I watched the first season of Downton Abbey on Netflix. I won't try to talk you into it, but you'd like it. Nuff said :o)
Hi there, e! I was so happy to read your recent post. I agree with a lot of your comments on the shows that we both watch.
I just started watching Pretty Little Liars (just finished season 1). I really enjoy it. Everyone needs to watch pretty people being tortured once in a while. Sometimes it makes me feel like a perv, cuz the boys are really good-looking and I'm old enough to be their mom, but...my brain gave up maturing at 14 so really, I guess it's ok. One of the actors reminds my of Ian Sommerholder so I pretend he's Boone before Oceanic.
I, too, love Breaking Bad but haven't been able to watch this last season. Can't wait for DVD!
I like Person of Interest. I started watching because Michael Emerson and Jim Caviezel are just awesome, but I enjoy the storyline and LOVE that some fellow "LOSTies" show up as guest stars.
The Walking Dead (followed by Talking Dead) is a must! As you get into it, the zombies become secondary to the characters and this really has been the closest to LOST for me. I love the character development and it's easy to see them as real people.
I'm still waiting for Revolution to "hook" me. I keep watching because of Elizabeth Mitchell and Giancarlo Esposito. We'll see.
I really enjoy Grimm too! It's kind of beating Once Upon a Time right now for me. I've even followed it from its recent jump to Tuesdays.
I'm loving Nashville too. Your thoughts on it were like I wrote them. I generally can't stand country music, but I like the show/music so much that I asked for the CD for Christmas.
Of course, I watch Vampire Diaries (mainly for Ian's sexy smirk).
I watched the first season of Downton Abbey on Netflix. I won't try to talk you into it, but you'd like it. Nuff said :o)
Hey Erika, I used to follow your blog back on the good old Lost days, and your Breaking Bad article which you posted on fb has brought me back here after all these time (I also share your passion about that awesome show). Anyway, here are just a few shows (old and new) I think you should definitely check out (if you haven't already):
- Arrow (this one started a bit slowly, but by mid season it had already started building on something pretty amazing. Its filled with good acting and good drama, nothing bad for a superhero show).
- White Collar (very fun fbi show to watch since the first episode, even though by the fourth season they already seem like getting a bit out of ideas)
- Boston Legal (best show ever IMO, David E. Kelly's lawyers masterpiece).
- Wilfred (pretty good tragicomedy so far, though it will never be able to catch the heights of Scrub¡s first 4 seasons)
- Psych (pretty cute comedy show, I really love it)
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