Over the past few days I've been engaging in something I haven't done in a long time... I've been watching live TV. That's right, no Tivo'd shows for me while staying at a hotel. So for the first time in months, I've seen commercials.
There is one that has stuck with me for two days, so much so that I actually went to the web site for the product. It is the ShamWow. Have you heard of this thing? Here is the commercial that is less than a minute long:
First, and most importantly, why is that guy talking into a headset? Secondly, does anyone you know actually spend $20 a month on paper towels? If so, does that person happen to be the messiest slob ever?

I must know... has anyone out there actually tried a ShamWow? I googled the term and found a few other blogs that ripped on the commercial, and half of the commenters said that the towels actually worked, while the other half cried that they were a scam.

When I went to the ShamWow web site, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that on the homepage, the word "washable" was spelled incorrectly (they have "wasahble), as was "dries" (they have "dryes"). I can't claim to be flawless in these blog posts, but you would think that a company would spellcheck its own web site?!? Maybe they were too preoccupied with wiping up spills around the ol' office.
- e
I just saw this commercial today and I'm also confuse if this product works or not. Are you buying any?
Hey e,
Just caught up on you blog and realized that we have been in Orlando at the same time!
We arrived here with our daughter last Saturday (April 5), and have been here all week doing the Disney thing.
Too bad I didn't realize you were here sooner or we could have met at the Disney-Hollywood Studios Commissary for a Lost "Down the Hatch Fish Sandwich"--no joke, it's on the menu.
We're catching a plane home tomorrow. I'll be interested to read your thoughts on the World of Disney. We had a blast with our 7-day pass at the 4 parks, but I must admit, I'm Disneyned out at this point.
On other thing: Did you hear that Lost is going to get a 14th episode in the form of a a 2-hour finale?
another e
I just saw this commercial yesterday. If this thing works it looks amazing! I think they checked their site, though, because the spelling errors aren't there!
my sister apparently bought some of these and gave them to my parents as well...I think I might need to get my hands on one of these....
pops says they suck up water like a champ....he also says you can throw them in the washer to clean them but they supposedly deflect bacteria....hopefully I will see one of these in action tomorrow and give my full product review....
I will fill ya in if I ever get ahold of one of these things..
good, bad, what? how is the shamwow?
I ordered the Shamwows and boy was it a big disappointment. It streaks everything! I wanted to use it for my car but it was useless. I'm sending them back.
ShamWOW's are great. Use them properly, you will be amazed! Make sure it isn't a knockoff, you must WET THEM then wring them out, no fabric softener, no bleach, no dryer...;.use hundreds of times. You won't be dissapointed...
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